Wednesday 9 August 2017

Faith sees the invisible, do the impossible.

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Strong foundation. Faith is built on a strong foundation of salvation. You cannot practice faith when you don’t have any relationship with the giver of faith, Jesus. There is need for genuine repentance and salvation from sin.Faith is more than believing in God but how we constantly maintain our relationship with him through thick and thin without giving up. 

A lot of believers and Christians find it easy to serve God when the going is good but back off when situations become tough and the winds begin to blow on the contrary. 
The true test of Christianity is our ability to follow and serve God when things are very hard and difficult. The following are some tips on faith:

1.The word of God. Faith comes by hearing from God through his written words which are the Bible. To increase and grow in faith you need to study the Bible regularly and consistently.

2.Fellowship with other believers. If you desire to grow in faith, there is need to have regular fellowship with the people of God. This will help you to know more about God and his wonders.

3.Listen to testimonies. There is power in testimony as it makes your faith Listening to the testimonies of others increases and strengthens your confidence in God that what he is able to do for others, he can do for you.

4.Count your blessings. Remembering what God has done for others and what he has done for you in the past can strengthen your faith. When people are facing difficult challenges, there is that tendency to feel God is far away and doesn’t care. That is when you should sit down and count all he has done in the past.

5.Keep a diary. This diary should contain your prayer requests and answers. Each time a prayer is answered, just write it down. This will stir up your faith in times of challenges.

6.Have a regular quiet time. Most Christians go through life like orphans when they have God as their father. Because of our busy lifestyles we don’t hear from him when he is talking to us. That is why we should set some time aside from our busy time to be alone with God. This is the only time we can hear from him thereby increasing our faith.

7.Praying with the scriptures. If your prayers have never been answered, then try this method of praying with the promises of God. It works faster than anything. A lot of people have tried and it worked for them. She will work for you too.

8.Fasting makes you abandon yourself and your challenges to God. That focus on God alone to solve your problem is faith.

8.Live one day at a time. Faith is simply trusting. Just abandon yourself and your challenges to God by taking one step at a time.

If you think you cannot have faith, I’ll tell you that you can because it takes faith for you to drive out of your house to the road without thinking that you or your car will sink.

God bless you!

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